MSSC Calculator and Mahila Samman Bachat Patra Yojna Details

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Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) about Mahila Bachat Patra Yojna (MSSC / MSBP) Account of Post Office

What is the minimum amount required for opening an MSSC account?

The Minimum amount for the investment is Rs 1000/-(Rs One Thousand).
The Maximum amount for the investment is Rs 200000/-(Rs Two Lakh).
and the investment amount should be in multiple of Rs 100/-(Rs One Hundred).
An individual may open any number of accounts in the scheme subject to the maximum limit for deposit Rs. 2 Lakh and a time gap of three months between the existing account and the opening of another account. For example, an account holder who opened an account on 05.04.2023 with an amount Rs. 50,000, can open another account on or after 05.07.2023 with balance amount Rs. 1.50 lakh or part thereof.

What is the rate of interest in Post Office for Mahila Samman Bachat Patra Yojna (MSBP) account?

The rate of interest applicable to the deposits under this scheme is 7.5 per cent per annum. The interest shall be compounded on quarterly basis and credited to the accoun
The Maximun amount is Rs 200000/-(Rs Two Lakh).

Can we make subsequent deposit in MSSC Account?

No. It is a fixed deposit type account, subsequent deposits are not allowed.

How many accounts of Mahilla Samman Bachat Yojana can be opened?

No limit on number of accounts; however it is subject to below conditions:
  1. Total of sum deposit in MSSC account must not exceed upper limit ie Rs 200000 (Two Lakh).
  2. Once an account is opened then next account can be opend after 03 months.

Violation of these conditions will be dealt as : Post Office Savings Account interest shall be payable on an account opened or maintained, in contravention of this scheme

Can we withdraw a sum from the amount deposited in Mahila Bachat Yojna?

The account holder shall be eligible to withdraw for maximum up to 40 per cent of the eligible balance once after the expiry of one year from the date of opening of the account but before the maturity of the account by making application in prescribed form. The withdrawn amount need not be deposited back.

Can we close Mahila Bachat Yojna Account Prematurely?

Premature closure of account

(i) Account shall not be closed before maturity except in the following cases, namely:
(a) On the death of the account holder,
(b) Where the post office is satisfied, in cases of extreme compassionate grounds such as medical support in life-threatening diseases of the Account holder or death of the guardian, that the operation or continuation of the Account is causing undue hardship to the Account holder, it may, after complete documentation, by order and for reasons to be recorded in writing, allow premature closure of the Account.
Note: - In case of premature closure an application from the account holder/guardian shall be obtained alongwith certificate of treating doctor or death certificate of guardian shall be obtained.
(ii) Where an account is prematurely closed under conditions mentioned in para (f) (i) above., interest on principal amount at the rate applicable to the scheme for which the account has been held shall be payable.
(iii) Premature closure of an Account may be permitted, any time after the completion of six months from the date of opening of an account by submitting prescribed form, for any reason other than mentioned in para (f) (i) above, in such cases account shall be eligible only for the interest rate less by two per cent points than the rate specified for this scheme (viz. 5.5%).

Rate of Interest for Mahila Bachat Patra Yoyaja accounts in Post Office

From To Interest Rate
01-04-2023 31-03-2025 7.5 (%)
Post Office Mahila Samman Bachat Patra Yojna Calculator and Details - PO MSSC Calculator Online
List of Gazetted Holidays 2023
Holiday Date Day
Republic Holiday 26-01-2023 Thursday
Holi 08-03-2023 Wednesday
Ram Navami 30-03-2023 Thursday
Mahavir Jayanti 04-04-2023 Tuesday
Good Friday 07-04-2023 Friday
Id-ul-Fitr 22-04-2023 Saturday
Budha Purnima 05-05-2023 Friday
Id-ul-Zuha (Bakrid) 29-06-2023 Thursday
Muharram 29-07-2023 Saturday
Independence Day 15-08-2023 Tuesday
Janmashtami (Vaishnva) 07-09-2023 Thursday
Milad-un-Nabi or Id-e-Milad (Birthday of Prophet Mohammad) 28-09-2023 Thursday
Mahatma Gandhi's Birthday 02-10-2023 Monday
Dussehra 24-10-2023 Tuesday
Diwali (Deepavali) 12-11-2023 Sunday
Guru Nanak's Birthday 27-11-2023 Monday
Christmas Day 25-12-2023 Monday


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